Monday, December 21, 2009

Twenty-Third Entry

Twenty-Third Entry: 12/21/09 1:22:30 PM
What shapes our personalities, our mannerisms, and our lives? That’s a pretty simple question, anyone with a half a brain would say the events and actions that we participate in every day life. However, which types of events contribute the most to our character. And now we’re back to the eternal conflict of Good v.s. Evil.

You have a good kid. She does well in school, and she seems incorruptible. But something happens; it could be one of his parents dying, or if he starts doing drugs, or drinking excessively. SHe’ll become ruined. Not caring about her future or anybody, Wallowing in grief, or always blaming other people for her faults. Evil will always find us, but it’s how we fight it back that shapes us as human beings. Evil tends to have a greater influence on an individual than Good. Once an individual is completely Evil no quantity can turn then back to being Good. When we get hit by something Evil, we have to rebound. You must keep going, because if you do not than everything is lost.

“Fall seven times, Rise eight. Life begins now.”


  1. I don't particularly worry--I mean, throuhgout history, the good has always prevailed. There have been tyrants, and though everyone fears their evil, ferocity and power, they always fall.

  2. Um... depressing much? Thought provoking, but definitely depressing... I don't think if one of your parent's dies you'll be ruined. Also, please note the "he" voice used throughout this article. :)
