Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twenty-Sixth Entry

Twenty-Sixth Entry: 12/31/09 6:32:01 PM
I started off this entry with a long introduction about what I think a resolution should be, but I think all that boring exposition should be deleted. In accordance with this, I just deleted that boring exposition. Basically, when people make New Years resolutions it is most likely a “physical” goal. An example of this could be “this New Years I resolve to eat less sweets.” To be honest that is a wimpy resolution, I think the true resolutions are “internal.” An internal resolution being something that helps to improve your character. Especially, for myself, my resolutions are all internal. I am no where close to being a complete human being. I have many faults, but I try my best. The reason why most people make “physical” resolutions is that they’re scared of who they really are. Now, what I just said might not be the best way to put it, but it’s the best way to put it without launching into an epic poem about the subject. Most people do not realize their faults and ignore them like they do not exist. This obviously does not help at all. If you make an internal resolution, that is half the battle. Just realizing that you as a human being have to improve is a great step. Most people are stuck degrading other people, so they do not have to focus on their own faults. Not realizing your own faults simply enlarges them.

No one is perfect and this is why we struggle on as people in this harsh life. Maybe, in another life, things will be easier, or perhaps worse. However, the important thing is to live in the present. Realize the mistakes you have made, but do not dwell on them. Realize the good things that you done, but do not inflate your ego. Realize where you would like to go, but do not lose tract of each day. These are the important things that we must all do to improve our selves as human beings. And that is the essence of life.

For certain reasons my mind has been occupied with the thoughts of Life and Death, and the best way for me to vanquish these unnecessary topics from my mind is to write about them. I wonder what I will remember from my life, when I die. Will I still be Sam Rouleau, or a different being with a different identity? Will I still look the same, or be a shapeless ameba? Will I even be able to remember these questions? The whole concept of Death is just so abstract that we can’t find answers for it. Part of me does not wish for me to die in my sleep. I want to remember my last moments in this world, in hope of preserving who I am in the next. A lot of people view Death as the end, but to not be scared of it one must view Death as a transition. It is not the end of us, on this planet and this life; yes, but not the end of our being. With the abstractness that Death has it also gives me a sense of curiosity. Just the whole concept of Death is hard to grasp. Our bodies will not be living, it is such a foreign thought that my mind cannot help, but be intrigued by this great mystery.

I’m on a roll, so I might as well keep going. Life is full of joy, and it is perhaps equally filled with pain. Do we bring pain onto ourselves? Possibly, maybe, who is fit to answer? The possibility has been brought to my mind that our emotional state is what can bring us physical problems. For most people it is impossible to link the emotional and physical. Once you are able to grasp your mind around the concept it is quite conceivable. How we deal daily with our emotions may contribute to our physical problems. As we gain age, the way we deal with our emotions has more impact on us physically, which could result in pain. It is hard for me to believe that the higher power, in my case God, enjoys putting us through pain.

I’ve touched briefly on a couple of subjects, and I am always willing to write about what my readers want me to write about, so if you have any suggestions you can always email me at I hope that 2010 is a great year for all of you.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Twenty-Fifth Entry

Twenty-Fifth Entry: 12/28/09 6:13:29 PM
What can Love do for us? In the end it will always ruin one of the two lovers, if not both. It gives us hope, it gives us happiness, but is it truly worth it? We may toil on for the rest of our lives not knowing Love. However, most of us will find what we think Love is. Few of us will actually find true Love with another human being. If you’re lucky enough to find it, then I give my best to you. Love is what brings us together, what separates us, and what brings new life into this world. We go on perfectly fine with out Love, we cannot miss anything that we never knew. However, in the end Love will cause suffering. Eventually, Death will find us and if we live while our lover dies then we would be living in hell. I cannot imagine what it is like to have everything ripped away from us. Our hopes, dreams, or desires gone forever. Love may last a long time, or it may never exist at all. I look at this and ask myself is Loving someone worth it? Is it worth it to give someone my heart, body, and soul, only for them to be crushed when it ends? I think so, if you can find someone worth Loving or worth believing in. No loss can be as great as that time with him or her was.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Twenty-Fourth Entry

Twenty-Fourth Entry: 12/25/09 8:40:53 PM
First of all, it’s Christmas, so I would like to say Merry Christmas. I hope you all had a good one. I hope everybody received cool gifts this season; I, myself, did. I am truly thankful that I am fortunate to be able to have the opportunities that I have. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on ranting through the next 100 words on how I am thankful for everything I am. I am thankful for what I have, and I do not see any sense in dragging that out. That is for other writers to write about, not me. However, I do plan to rant on the thing that I am the most thankful for. I am not the most thankful for family, food, or shelter. I am the most thankful for this gift called Free Will. I believe I am right when I assume that everyone reading this blog was born with Free Will. It’s Free Will, which allows me to write this blog. It’s Free Will, which allows me to speak my mind. It’s Free Will, which allows me to do what I love. It’s Free Will, which completes me as a human being. If I lacked what I am fortunate to have, I would still be thankful for having my Free Will. This Christmas I’m sure we all got pretty awesome gifts, but remember it’s what we take for granted that is usually the best gift. It’s things that we do not notice that make us whole. This Holiday Season I ask of you two things, I would like for you to do a random act of kindness. It can be smiling at somebody, or just holding the door. I’m not asking you to go join the Peace Corp. Also, take a moment, a quiet moment, to thank God for the things that you take for granted. Once again, have a wonderful Christmas, and you will hear from me again before the New Year.

It’s the things, which we don’t notice that are essential to our lives.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Twenty-Third Entry

Twenty-Third Entry: 12/21/09 1:22:30 PM
What shapes our personalities, our mannerisms, and our lives? That’s a pretty simple question, anyone with a half a brain would say the events and actions that we participate in every day life. However, which types of events contribute the most to our character. And now we’re back to the eternal conflict of Good v.s. Evil.

You have a good kid. She does well in school, and she seems incorruptible. But something happens; it could be one of his parents dying, or if he starts doing drugs, or drinking excessively. SHe’ll become ruined. Not caring about her future or anybody, Wallowing in grief, or always blaming other people for her faults. Evil will always find us, but it’s how we fight it back that shapes us as human beings. Evil tends to have a greater influence on an individual than Good. Once an individual is completely Evil no quantity can turn then back to being Good. When we get hit by something Evil, we have to rebound. You must keep going, because if you do not than everything is lost.

“Fall seven times, Rise eight. Life begins now.”

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Twenty-Second Entry

Twenty-Second Entry: 12/10/09 8:59:38 PM
Life and Death. Both are essential to each other. Most of us struggle with the idea of death. But is it not the same as Life? Life is a journey, which we all undertake each and every day. Is Death all that different? It is a journey in which we all partake. Life is unpredictable, as is Death. It happens unexpectedly to the best and to the worst people. Eventually Death will find you and me, so there is no sense in trying to hide from it. When Death finds me, I plan to face it with out panic and fear, and say “Time to find out what’s next.”

I’m almost intrigued by the mystery of Death. We hear all of these “near Death experience” stories, but how much of that is BS or truth is debatable. I do believe that there is some sort of higher being or power. I refuse to believe that we are all random beings who have evolved from Neanderthals. When we die, our bodies may rot in the Earth, but I am certain that our spirit separates from our body. There is too much that science cannot explain for there not to be something else.

Death brings tragedy and sadness. And focusing on Death will only bring it closer to you. It is best to focus on the present, because the more you think about Death the quicker it will find you. It comes and goes just like the tide ebbs and flows. The tide will always be constant, just as Death will always exist. Just as the water will always touch your feet and pull you in. Death will always grab hold of us and pull us in painfully and slow, or unknowingly and quickly. It’s coming for you and I, so why live in Fear? Life is here for us to live. Death is here for us to die, and after that? We can only wait to see.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Twenty-First Entry

Twenty-First Entry: 12/8/09 9:12:48 PM
What’s the best thing to do when the crap hits the fan? Well the best thing to do is keep going. No matter what, there’s no reason to stop. If you received disappointing news, or had a crappy day. Keep going, that is what life is for. There’s no reason to ever stop, there is never a reason to quit. There is never a reason to give up. There is always a reason to go on, even if it be to spite someone, or get back at them. People growing up nowadays, yes that includes me, are used to instant gratification. We are used to Google taking 1.8 seconds to give us 28,000 search results for the word “bear”. When you get knocked to the ground, will you stand up again, or continue to lie there? I will stand back up, until there is no possible way for me to. Not everybody has this thing called persistence, or some call it stubbornness. But when I get knocked down, guarantee I will stand up and come back towards you. When life hits me hard, I will catch my breath and keep going on. I cannot sit by and let chances pass. When my face is bloodied, and my legs are broken. I will do my best to keep going, otherwise I will get no reward, and what kind of life is that?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Twentieth Entry

Twentieth Entry: 11/29/09 2:21:39 PM
What do I regret? First of all what is regret? Is it self-reflection? Is it getting caught up in the past? Is it a necessity or a commodity? I do have the burden of regret. Whether it be the tone I used, or the words that spilled out of my mouth. Or it could it be the time where I failed to act? That rare occurrence of not acting when I knew that a girl I liked also liked me. Some reasonably small event like that is a regret. If I had gone back in time, things would have been different. But where would I be today? What could be different? I can only guess. Regret is wishing you could go back in time to change your actions. I am learning to make regret less of a burden. Yes, I do regret that time where my confidence faltered, but I learned from it. When I let my mouth run too long, there were consequences. However, I have learned when and where is the right time to protest and when and where it is right to shut up and take it. What is regret? It is guilt that hopefully drives us to better our selves as human beings. Or hopefully it does. A little regret is fine, as long as it does not consume one’s lifestyle.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Nineteenth Entry

Nineteenth Entry: 11/27/09 9:58:57 PM
The difference in us all is.... Well what does the difference in us all mean? I have no answer to this question now, but hopefully when I’m done with this I will. Well to start, the difference in us all is essential to life. If there was even one more Sam Rouleau running around, I would go insane. The difference between us is why I hate him, but like her. The difference between us is why he is funny, and she is not. The difference between us is why we get along, and why we do not. The difference between us gives us laughter and gives us tears. The difference between us drives us apart and brings us together. The difference between us will cause us to be the best of friends or the worst of enemies. The difference is what keeps us interested in each other. The difference between us will and has caused massive conflict. The difference in us all shapes our journey in this lifetime.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eighteenth Entry

Eighteenth Entry: 11/25/09 7:24:05 PM
Death? What is Death? What is not? What can it be? What can it not be? Death can slowly pass over us like a warm quilt on a breezy night, or struck us like an unexpected punch to the stomach. It can come expected as a long planned appointment, or make a surprise visit like a long gone college roommate. The thing that is constant about Death is that it’s always inevitably. The way, the how, the who, the where is the variable. With Death being inevitable is what makes us mortal, but for some that does not matter. After all we’ll end up in Heaven? Or will our body will slowly decompose into the ground? Our will we be reincarnated onto this Earth? Will we live on some other planet? What will happen? The best minds have taken guesses at this, and I wish not to guess at such a broken puzzle. However, no matter what is plugged in for the variables the equation will always produce the same answer. Death is coming, and what can we do?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Seventeenth Entry

Seventeenth Entry: 11/23/09 6:41:22 PM
I am who I am. You are who you are. Can I try to change you? Yes, I can. But most of the time I will fail. Can you try to change me? Yes, but it is most likely that you will fail. Then why am I writing this blog. We seem to be at a mutual point of consent to disagree. I will keep this writing up. Not because I must prove to you that I am right. In the big picture even if I do change some of your opinions that counts for a small percentage. The world will keep on going no matter what my blog has to say. People are unchangeable. I write because I choose to. I am Me, and You are You.

Sixteenth Entry

Sixteenth Entry: 11/23 Time Started Writing... (Oops I forgot)
Dedicated to
Ah finally someone who argues with me.
First of all the response to my Dad being in the military. Yes he was. However, we share differing political views. I am not trying to pretend that I know War, I made no allusions to that. I know a countless number of Veterans. I was making remarks on the manner in which people disrespect the veterans. I also do not believe that I said anything about the U.S. needing to shove bullets down peoples throats.
Yes, Countries get a long well with out war. I agree with this. In the latest post I never said that War is the only solution. I made a point to say that we should avoid War. That would be an ideal world; however, we do not live in one.

To be honest, I was taken aback when you compared The Revolutionary War to the conflict in the Middle East. In the Revolution we fought for Independence from a tyrant. Yes we were viewed as terrorists in England's eyes. Why wouldn't we be? We were causing a great disturbance for them.

Let's go back to the Persian Gulf War. Kuwait was invaded by Sadam. We went in and drove them out. (I wish we went farther.) 9/11, we were attacked by terrorists. We retaliated, as expected. The terrorists are fighting for their form of independence. However, there independence is morally wrong. Now of course I would think this, being an American. I do think that I have some bias here, but this where the difference lies. During the Revolution most Americans were for independence. The difference is that in the countries that these terrorists are from they do not agree with the terrorists. The Revolution was not based off religious extremity, while that is the terrorists main belief.
Please Write Back,

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fifteenth Entry

Fifteenth Entry: 11/22/09 6:37:03
I sat in the passenger seat of my Dad’s Ford F150. The windows were down, the cool air breezing through my hair. The radio emitting classic rock, it was a fine time. The yellow light turned to; as a result, the subtle squeak of the brakes stopped us. In general passing my eyes looked to the right, as I saw the car in the lane over speed off. The one thing that I noticed most about this car was the bumper sticker. "War is not the answer."

I had seen some other bumper stickers like that before, but I reached my breaking point with this one. What does this woman know about War? People like that driver caused the living hell for Veterans freshly back from Vietnam. It’s people like her who don’t care about young men and women who are laying down their lives everyday. If people like the driver were in charge of our country, than we would still be English citizens. If War is not the answer, than Hitler’s successors would still be committing genocide all over the world. If War is not the answer, than our country would be in ruin. I despise people who say just pull everyone out of the Middle East. Oh yeah, great plan Mr. Senator. We’ve just pissed off every terrorist there could possibly be in the Middle East. I guess we can just take all of our soldiers out and watch the missiles come. A bunch of terrorists running around in the Middle East uncontrolled is beneficial for nobody. I am not saying we must wage War everywhere, but there are instances when we must. War can be an answer. War can be a solution. War will and has protected us. That lady sitting comfortably in her car could not have done that with out the soldiers who lay down their lives. Freedom is never Free.
(Note 11/24/09: I do not pretend to be a true scholar. I just write what I think is write, as I am sure many people can disagree, as I am sure there are people more versed in history who could disown me.)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fourteenth Entry

Fourteenth Entry: 11/15/09 8:12:29 PM
What to talk about? A writer, such as my self, has the world at my fingertips. In my last two entries I’ve given insight on some hot topics; as a result, I think it would be appropriate to write something about me. I was talking about what I would enjoy to do for a profession when I grow up. I answered that my profession of choice would to be a military doctor. And the person who I was caring on this conversation asked me if I was afraid to die. I am one of the fortunate people who are not afraid of death. It’s not because I think I am some macho man; ergo, it will be impossible for me to die. It’s not because I think God loves me, and he will spare me. I simply believe that whatever happens is meant to happen. Here in lies another slew of questions that I will attempt to answer without anybody asking them. I am not a Calvinist who believes in predetermination, or predestination. Do I think that I have a destiny? Yes. Do I know what it is? No, i wish i did. If I die tomorrow, I believe that God has a reason for it. If I get paralyzed in a car crash, there is a reason for it. There is a reason why you are reading my blog, if not for pure enjoyment. No matter what things happen for a reason. I have done some research on The Chaos Theory. This theory pretty much says that everything just randomly happens, there is no reason for anything. I find this hard to believe. We all have lessons to learn, and I believe we meet certain people for certain reasons, or certain things happen so we can improve our character. I do not agree with this theory. Because I believe in destiny, I am going to assume that somebody is going to ask me do you believe that you can change your destiny. Well if I am not sure of my destiny, how can I change it? I am going to end with a line from the movie The Last Samurai, which is an amazing movie that I highly recommend. “I believe a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed to him.” And that is what I believe in the simplest words.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thirteenth Entry

Thirteenth Entry: 11/13/09 8:49:52PM
Tonight I plan to talk about two hot topics that have been discussed frequently in the last couple of months: the economy and the health care plan. I have some insights on both.

As we all know, the economy took a serious hit a couple of months ago. Many people lost money, jobs, and even some lost their families. People also lost homes. This crisis hurt all the people of America, especially the middle class. Also, a lot of companies went, or they were close to being bankrupt. The government decided to bail out certain companies. I don’t agree with this at all. If the company was bankrupt before, what will be different in the future? If the companies are used to getting money when they need it, they will never learn how to adapt and become more self-sufficient. It would have been more appropriate to have given those billions of dollars to help support who need it. To create jobs, or to help bail out the people who need it, not the companies who are interested in their self-preservation. The people of America could have profited much more than the companies. And as far as the stimulus package goes, has anybody actually received their stimulus package? The way to improve economy is not to give away billions of dollars to companies, or make shallow promises that are never fulfilled.

Recently, a new health care bill just passed through the House and is now on its way to the Senate. The politicians have been coming up with elaborate plans to help fix the health care. Personally, I don’t think that there is so much wrong with it that there is a necessity for a new bill. I have two suggestions for those politicians. The first one is lowering the price of medication. It costs about two dollars to make a pill, but for 30 days my Dad has to pay around 300 dollars. I don’t understand how they think it is fair to mark up the pills by eight dollars. And the medication he takes is not some new scientific venture, it’s something that has existed for a long time. Especially for senior citizens, if the government mandated that self-fish insurance companies lower the price for medications it would help them save money. In turn, they would invest it into the stock market, which would only increase the economy. The insurance companies have no right to cause inflation for literally no reason other than self-centered gains. The last thing that must be done to improve health care is to educate the public on natural remedies. I am not one of those health freaks who advocates for going vegetarian or macrobiotic. However, I eat healthy and I do see a naturopathic doctor. Most of the time when the general population has a general cold they take antibiotics, or when they have a headache they always take Tylenol. Antibiotics destroy all the cells in the effected area, not just the bad ones. In return it takes a while for the immune system to catch up. It is more beneficial for the body to try more natural remedies that do not have such a costly effect on the body. Also, these natural remedies save money, which in turn would be invested into the market; thus, helping the economy. Anybody seeing a pattern here?
Our country is going through some rough times, but there is no reason why we cannot fix our problems.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Twelfth Entry

Twelfth Entry: 11/11/09 8:28:17PM
Dedicated to Sam Worley, because he gave me the idea for this entry.
Before I get into my main topic, today is Veteran’s Day. My Dad was in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. I know many other veterans. If you know a veteran, take the 10 seconds out of your day and shake their hand, while looking them square in the eyes, and give them a sincere thank you. They have witnessed unaccountable horrors, and America would not be who she is without them. Thank You Veterans.

Now into the main point. Sam Worley asked me to write on what I think about racial profiling. This is what I think about racial profiling--Racial profiling is NOT alright. It is not okay to call someone a terrorist, if they are from the Middle East. That is what I think, and I think that my views on racial profiling are quite straightforward, so there is no need to elaborate. However, now we get into the gray area. The following is a hypothetical statement. Let’s say that you’re occupation turns out to be airport security. You control the camera’s and search for possible suspects by the gates in the airport. You see a man who seems to be of Middle East descent, and he is wearing a turban. This man his fidgeting with his baggage, and he is constantly looking around, possibly in a frightful manner. When you zoom in the camera on him, you see that he has perspiring heavily. Sweat is dripping down the point of his nose, and his shirt has darkening circles under his armpits. You even employ a thermal camera, which shows that his face is very heated. This is a sign he is under stressed. Hypothetically, you exercise your right, as a government worker, and have this man and his baggage searched. Whether there was contraband in his bag is not the point. I would like to ask you, my faithful readers, Is this or is this not racial profiling?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Eleventh Entry

Eleventh Entry: 11/9/09 8:24:44 PM
In the previous entry I attempted to be creative and soulful. It is quite obvious that I need improvement in this area, so I will try another poem.

When I look back
I remember nothing,
When I look back a second time,
I remember pain.

It’s pain what it makes us.
It’s pain that keeps us human.
It’s pain that keeps me going.
It’s pain that make those good moments great.

It’s getting rejected
That makes it great to slow dance with that girl.
It’s pain that causes grief.
It’s pain which fulfills my memories.

It’s fighting with a best friend,
Or being told to go away.

It’s pain which brought us into the world.
It’s pain that will take most of us out.
It is pain that defines me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tenth Entry

Tenth Entry: 11/3/09 9:29:38
The Story of Chesca
You saw him,
He saw you,
There was nothing else left to do.

Like two sheepish children
You looked at each other and turned away.
Eyes locking,
You feel like you’ve been with each other before.
But quickly turning away to go to your friends.

You stare at him,
He looks at you and smiles.
This makes your day.
It’s too late to turn back now.
You love him and that’s that.

He asked you to the homecoming dance,
You were the happiest girl ever,
Jumping and dancing
You picked out a beautiful dress.

Eyes locking,
Your brown against his blue,
You put your arms around his neck and hold him close,
Time stopped,
This is your paradise.

Time goes on,
Your days revolve around each other,
Glimpsing each other in the hallway,
Lips slowly locking.

Oh Chesca, you gave him everything.
He made you happy.
You gave him your world.
What did he give in return?

He lost interest with you,
You, the one who devoted your life to him,
For you it was love, For him it was a teenage phase.
You saw him kissing another girl.

Like anyone would do,
You cried and cried,
Coming to me I tried to console you.
No use.
He had broken you.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ninth Entry

Ninth Entry: 11/1/09 7:29:30PM
Ok, well I just typed about 200 words, and let’s be honest here. I really didn’t like what I had to say that time. I was trying to go on about how it’s good to be random and structured, but honestly; it sounded stupid. And me boring you is the last thing that I want to accomplish. By the way, I would like to thank you all for reading my blog and commenting on it. This just started out as a short term thing, but as of now; I am going to continue writing. One thing that did get me thinking today was the movies V for Vendetta. Granted, I was supposed to be taking history notes while I watched the movies, but it was worth procrastinating. First of all, If you have not seen that movie, then please watch it. It is amazing, and it gave me something to think about. I don’t want to ruin the movie, but it’s about the government controlling the people through fear. This really jump started my brain into a hurricane of thoughts. They’re all jumbled into my head, so I’ll do my best to get the basic ideas sorted out. As more and more laws are made on a state and federal level, I get worried for our future. Before I continue, I would like to clarify that I am not a Democrat or Republican. I am simply speaking from what I think is right. I am beginning to get more worried for our future. If we keep bending to laws and policies, then eventually we all be little mice trapped in a box. Even though Socrates and Plato are very old dudes, they really knew what they were talking about. If you just do everything that you are told to do with out justifying it, than you lose all humanity. God gave us freewill, even if you do not believe in God you believe that everyone has freewill. Laws are necessary to run a nation, but some things are ridiculous. One example I would like to touch upon is abortion. For me the solution is easy. If you think it’s wrong, then don’t do it. If you think it’s legal, then it’s your right to have an abortion. A lot of things that are “huge” debates are much more complicated than they need to be. The character V in the movie was right. It’s pointless to live, if we lived in an over controlled environment. I know that I’ve jumped around a lot, but thanks for bearing with me.
(note: I am taking suggestions from y’all on what you would like me to write about.)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Eight Entry

Eighth Entry: 10/30/09 8:12:16 PM
Once again, I find myself writing on a friday. This is most likely going to turn into a pattern. Up until about 3 hours ago, I absolutely had no idea what I was going to talk about. Let’s be honest. Most of the time I have no idea what to write about. However, I do manage to crank out around 500 words that some people enjoy to read. Yesterday afternoon I was tagged in one of those stupid facebook “tag your friends” thing. I never check those, but when I logged on three hours I had 27 notifications. Reluctantly, I checked them all, cursing under my breath as I did this. In this picture I was tagged as “the future president”, or something to that effect. Some of the comments were about how I would make a good president. Let’s be honest here. In my opinion I am not a suitable president. If I had to relate myself to a president, I would say that I would be most like Andrew Jackson. I was having this conversation with someone, and they said “I’d vote for you, if you ran. I agree with all your points and all of them are valid.” I would like to think that all the points I make are valid. If I ran for president, which will never happen, I would not even make it to the primaries. I will not change my views. Also, I think that the American people would not like for someone (me) to tell them how they must improve their life style. They would also not like to hear most of what I say. I do not think that the American people are ready for anybody to publicly censure them. Also, I do not think the American people will elect a stubborn, persistent, confident person who is perhaps flirting with the edge of arrogance.
(note: I would like to establish what confidence is. I am confident in my actions. I never second guess my actions. However, I am not arrogant in the way where I disrespect people. I always try my best to respect everyone and their opinions.)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Some Poetry I wrote in 5 minutes

Oh Taryn,
I'm sure you wish you were a Baron,
However, you have a snuggie,
What could be better than a yellow buggy?
You are... watching am I alive?
the questoin is, have you ever ate a bee hive.
That is all i will write to you,
for i have more hw to do.

oh mackey,
you are being quite quackey,
you expect me to right a poem on your wall,
but i am cause I do not want to hear you bawl,
I am doing this soley because you are cool,
and you are in my gang at school,
Canadian? yes you are that too,
let's go hunker down in an igloo

Hello my Dear Meg,
Why must you beg?
My poems are not that spectacular,
They simply are written in the common vernacular,
I will write this more because we are best siblings,
Did i note that you are great at singing?
Even though this poem sucks,
I hope you ...will not tear it apart and feed it to the ducks.
Thank you for reading this,
Rhyming is tiring, and I will be going to reminisce
you know i love you

I write back to thee,
You are quite reckless and free,
Your poem was quite sexy,
by the way, my hair right now is quite messy,
I will leave you in my will,
but if i become ill,
you will not get much
because i will not become as famous as such,
I will be Broadway actress
I will stick to my temperpedic mattress

Friday, October 23, 2009

Seventh Entry

Seventh Entry: 10/23/09 3:33:50 PM
It’s friday, and I can finally relax from all the useless stress of school. However, upon immediately getting home I realized that I still have a whole host of chores to do. I also realized that people are expecting me to write another entry. So here I am writing this entry, but I cannot finish it now, because my dad is telling me to clean the whole house. Even though this is extremely annoying, I realize that my dad is tired too. I am about to reluctantly turn off the Elvis Tunes and give my room a GI cleaning.
Continued at: 5:01:50 PM
I am back from completing my required duties. I think I was talking about fridays or something like that, but we can be honest with each other. No one really cares about that. This past wednesday, I witnessed a very comical event. My Dad and I had to run into Big Y to get a couple things. We semi-jogged down the aisles, quickly collecting our items, and got in line. The lady in front us appeared to be a little frazzled, to say the least. The following conversation went something like this.
“Ma’am, how would you like to pay today?”
“Hold on please, I have a coupon in my purse somewhere.”
The cashier scanned the coupon and proceeded to tell her:
“Ma’am, I am sorry, but we do not accept this coupon.”
“Why not? It is a brand coupon.”
“I see that, but I am sure you can see that Stop and Shop is printed above the barcode.”
“What? I know, but can’t you understand that the manufacturer put out this coupon. Stop and Shop accepts Big Y coupons.”
“Yes, I see that, but at Big Y we do not accept Stop and Shop coupons.”
My Dad and I, sensing that this could be a hassle, found our way to another line. I thought about the scene I just witnessed and realized how ridiculous that was. It was the equivalent of walking into Dairy Queen and expecting them to accept a coupon from Ben and Jerry’s. First of all the women was obviously BSing, when she said that Stop and Shop accepts Big Y coupons. Obviously, they don’t. Also, another thing that made no sense was that Stop and Shop is two minutes away from Big Y. If the coupon was so important, she should have taken a short drive and got her 10% off for a total savings of 2 cents. From all of this evidence, I would assume that this woman just really wanted to ruin someone’s day. And that pisses me off.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Newest post

Sixth Entry: 10/18/09 4:19:31 PM
I feel like I just woke up, but it has been 8 hours since I was called from my haven of dreams. I would like to apologize for not writing for 6 days. Life, as it usually does, seems to have gotten in my way. Nevertheless, I am writing again. Today, I am going to write on aggressiveness. Being aggressive is far better than being passive. Usually, when I say this people like to jump to the conclusion that I suck said that acting on impulse is better than thinking things out. Being tactical is also a key concept to being aggressive. Being aggressive and going straight at your objective or goal, can be very helpful or destructive. Going forward is an important component to being aggressive, but going on angles is also very important. In a fight if you run straight in, you’re asking for a beating. Working on angles does not mean retreating. No one should ever retreat or give up. It just means people have to assess situations tactically and not dive in head first. However, being coy and laid back is simply asking for failure. Failing to act fast and decisively has never done anything good for anyone. I hope I have expanded the definition of aggressiveness to not just being blatant and straight forward, but to being intense and tactical.

Inside a Teenage Mind

Inside a Teenage Mind
by Sam Rouleau
Inspired by Daniel Nascimento

First Entry: 10/9/09 9:47:34 PM
I sat at the kitchen table, gnawing on the blackened tip of pizza crust, going through the normal dinner conversations. The question that came up was, “Anything interesting happen today?” I quickly gave the normal answer stating that it was school, how interesting can it be. Being done with the blackened tip of my pizza crust, I walked down the hallway into my room, sitting in front of this illuminated screen. My nerve synapses quickly communicated, throwing out the stupid irrelevant stuff, and reminding me of the important things. “Vocab book, Check.” I said in my head, as I looked towards the screen, ignoring the jumping iChat icon. Minor events raced back into my head from the day. Three most significant memories simmered to the top of my conscience. The first most being, how I stood up at morning meeting and humiliated myself by dancing and singing “It’s Peanut butter Jelly Time”. The second most being how I ran around with Braden, as we yelled Parkour for Darfur and did crazy tricks in the band room hallway, all with out disturbing the band director. The third most being a quick moment from history class. As the teacher passed around certain historical objects, one being a Cardinal’s Hat, we were specifically told not to put it on, however; one girl in our class decided to be cool and put on the hat. Upon questioning her about this disrespectful and uncourteous act, she looked at me and said “It doesn’t matter, I am not Catholic.” THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH SOME AMERICANS. This girl being obnoxious and disrespectful, could not respect something that she did not believe in. This is the reason why Americans get arrested in other countries, because they must be thinking “Oh, I’m not Samoan these rules do not apply to me.”. TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE WHO THINK THIS WAY, YES THEY DO. I do not mean to pick on this girl, but the calmness with which she answered my question was quite unnerving. Having a later conversation, she called me a bitch. I thought to myself who is the bitch? The honest intellect, or the disrespectful American? It’s your choice.
(Authors note at 10/09/09 8:00:32 PM. I mean no disrespect to this individual. I am simply using her actions as an example.)

Second Entry: 10/10/09 11:10:08 AM
Going back to the previous point of the last passage. I am still trying to comprehend where Americans can simply get this sense of entitlement. Granted, we are a superpower, we have been since, debatably, World War I. Once again, this does not mean the rest of world is required to assimilate our ideas. Another thing that is quite despicable about America, is denial of issues. We are doing so much charity for Africa and other under privileged countries, which is not a bad thing. However, first we need to fix all of the problems in country. We are doing so much to help other nations, there is not much left to us. The quality of education is decreasing, as the economy continues to crash. And trust me, it will crash again. More people are losing jobs, houses, and no longer have the ability to get food. Oh wait, but everything is ok, because we are helping Africans. At the first time this is read by the average reader, I am sure I will immediately criticized for what I have just said. However, they should reread this whole entry. Then they will understand that I have no problems with charity, but our own national problems must be corrected first. I will bring to attention the failure of Rome. In the end, Rome ultimately failed, because they were in denial about their problems, and the government entertained the people with chariot races and gladiator fights. We must begin addressing our problems. We cannot sit comfortably, like how most of us our doing, and let things pass our mind. The Renaissance was so great, because the aspect of humanism became a wider and more common view. If we do not question anything, and take for granted what we have and continue to deny our problems. We will ultimately fail.

Third Entry: 10/10/09 7:24:31
In my last two entries I have said somewhat negative, but true, things about Americans and towards America. I would like to establish that America is simply the best nation in the world. We live in the best country in the world. Everyone has the best living conditions, and we have no doubt the most powerful military. We have too many accomplishments to list. Once again, I would not like anybody to draw conclusions that I am unpatriotic and I think America is a bad place to live. However, we are not perfect, and I am simply trying to give Americans the ability to think outside the box and not take everything for granted. The most recent being NASA’s rocket launch. This rocket sling shotted around the moon and the earth. The top explosive part detached from the bottom sensor. The explosive rocket hit a dark crater and exploded. The reason why NASA launched this rocket is because there was speculation of that crater containing ice. NASA has not realized the results, but I am very excited for what this could entail for the future. One achievement, that some people may view as greater than this, I have not mentioned is President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. This is amazing, considering he is the first, since President Wilson, to win the prize. However, I mentioned the NASA rocket first, because I simply do not understand why President Obama won the prize. I am not taking anything away from his actions, I would like to know why he won. I would also to restate that I am not making up calumny. I am simply stating facts and drawing conclusions. The T.V. is now calling my name, but I would like to leave all of my readers with the message that America is the best country in the world.

Fourth Entry: 10/11/09 8:51:53 PM
In this entry I was going to write about an interesting scene today. How for a brief second, at a red light, I looked and saw a elder women shuffle down the street, holding a digital camera. Stopped at a tree and proceeded to take a picture. This old lady was obviously in discomfort, as the wind blew her coat and hair all over the place. However, she was having a great time and doing what she loved to, take pictures. But before I wrote my entry, someone Instant messaged me. This person talked to me intensely about how my first entry was disrespectful and etc. Now, I have taken down my blog. Not because this person was right, but because I simply do not want to deal with these people. People who are inept at reading, in which I stated about three times that I meant no disrespect to this individual. How people, even teenagers, cannot read things with impartiality astounds me. If many people, could take an un-biased view at what I was trying to say, then they would realize that my entries are not focused on the action of the girl. However, focusing on the negative is not good. As one of my close friends put it “One GIANT FLAMING STINKING A-SHOLE DOES NOT MAKE AN OPINION MAKE”. I completely agree with my friend here, however; I do not want to interact these people for one more year with this tension. Honestly, I respect the person’s opinion who spoke to me about it, but I do not care, because in my mind I know what I am conveying. I feel like I am right, I know that I have not disrespected anybody. I know I have stated the true facts, and for this reason I have no guilty conscience over my head.

Fifth Entry: 10/12/09 5:10:28
Dedicated to Meg Guzulescu
All of you who have spent at least 10 minutes with me, have heard me say “It doesn’t matter, I’m Canadian.” I am about 50% Canadian, but in my mind I am 100% Canadian. Does this mean I am better than you? Of course not. However, making myself believe that I can do things. It’s a form of self-motivation.
Began writing at 8:45:08PM
Being almost knocked out from a triangle choke about two hours ago, the rest of this entry might be a little hazy, but I will do my best. After all, I am Canadian. Part of this saying comes from my Grandma. She is a hardcore Canadian. Ever since I was a little kid, in a muttered extremely accented French English type language she would tell me that a Canadian can do anything. She also constantly reminds me how awesome being Canadian is with these words “Sam, I survived Cancer, because I’m Canadian and I’m fat.” This is what I would pinpoint my pride in being part Canadian. Getting back to the main point, it is a type of self motivation. It’s what helps keeps me going, and sometimes gives me an excuse for my somewhat arrogant nature. I firmly, and I would bet my life, believe in the concept of mind over matter. I can do this Canadian is simply just one technique for me to do this. This is all the depth that I am putting into it, because even Canadians need sleep.

Sixth Entry: 10/18/09 4:19:31 PM
I feel like I just woke up, but it has been 8 hours since I was called from my haven of dreams. I would like to apologize for not writing for 6 days. Life, as it usually does, seems to have gotten in my way. Nevertheless, I am writing again. Today, I am going to write on aggressiveness. Being aggressive is far better than being passive. Usually, when I say this people like to jump to the conclusion that I suck said that acting on impulse is better than thinking things out. Being tactical is also a key concept to being aggressive. Being aggressive and going straight at your objective or goal, can be very helpful or destructive. Going forward is an important component to being aggressive, but going on angles is also very important. In a fight if you run straight in, you’re asking for a beating. Working on angles does not mean retreating. No one should ever retreat or give up. It just means people have to assess situations tactically and not dive in head first. However, being coy and laid back is simply asking for failure. Failing to act fast and decisively has never done anything good for anyone. I hope I have expanded the definition of aggressiveness to not just being blatant and straight forward, but to being intense and tactical.

Seventh Entry: 10/23/09 3:33:50 PM
It’s friday, and I can finally relax from all the useless stress of school. However, upon immediately getting home I realized that I still have a whole host of chores to do. I also realized that people are expecting me to write another entry. So here I am writing this entry, but I cannot finish it now, because my dad is telling me to clean the whole house. Even though this is extremely annoying, I realize that my dad is tired too. I am about to reluctantly turn off the Elvis Tunes and give my room a GI cleaning.
Continued at: 5:01:50 PM
I am back from completing my required duties. I think I was talking about fridays or something like that, but we can be honest with each other. No one really cares about that. This past wednesday, I witnessed a very comical event. My Dad and I had to run into Big Y to get a couple things. We semi-jogged down the aisles, quickly collecting our items, and got in line. The lady in front us appeared to be a little frazzled, to say the least. The following conversation went something like this.
“Ma’am, how would you like to pay today?”
“Hold on please, I have a coupon in my purse somewhere.”
The cashier scanned the coupon and proceeded to tell her:
“Ma’am, I am sorry, but we do not accept this coupon.”
“Why not? It is a brand coupon.”
“I see that, but I am sure you can see that Stop and Shop is printed above the barcode.”
“What? I know, but can’t you understand that the manufacturer put out this coupon. Stop and Shop accepts Big Y coupons.”
“Yes, I see that, but at Big Y we do not accept Stop and Shop coupons.”
My Dad and I, sensing that this could be a hassle, found our way to another line. I thought about the scene I just witnessed and realized how ridiculous that was. It was the equivalent of walking into Dairy Queen and expecting them to accept a coupon from Ben and Jerry’s. First of all the women was obviously BSing, when she said that Stop and Shop accepts Big Y coupons. Obviously, they don’t. Also, another thing that made no sense was that Stop and Shop is two minutes away from Big Y. If the coupon was so important, she should have taken a short drive and got her 10% off for a total savings up 2 cents. From all of this evidence, I would assume that this woman just really wanted to ruin someone’s day. And that pisses me off.

Eighth Entry: 10/30/09 8:12:16 PM
Once again, I find myself writing on a friday. This is most likely going to turn into a pattern. Up until about 3 hours ago, I absolutely had no idea what I was going to talk about. Let’s be honest. Most of the time I have no idea what to write about. However, I do manage to crank out around 500 words that some people enjoy to read. Yesterday afternoon I was tagged in one of those stupid facebook “tag your friends” thing. I never check those, but when I logged on three hours I had 27 notifications. Reluctantly, I checked them all, cursing under my breath as I did this. In this picture I was tagged as “the future president”, or something to that effect. Some of the comments were about how I would make a good president. Let’s be honest here. In my opinion I am not a suitable president. If I had to relate myself to a president, I would say that I would be most like Andrew Jackson. I was having this conversation with someone, and they said “I’d vote for you, if you ran. I agree with all your points and all of them are valid.” I would like to think that all the points I make are valid. If I ran for president, which will never happen, I would not even make it to the primaries. I will not change my views. Also, I think that the American people would not like for someone (me) to tell them how they must improve their life style. They would also not like to hear most of what I say. I do not think that the American people are ready for anybody to publicly censure them. Also, I do not think the American people will elect a stubborn, persistent, confident person who is perhaps flirting with the edge of arrogance.
(note: I would like to establish what confidence is. I am confident in my actions. I never second guess my actions. However, I am not arrogant in the way where I disrespect people. I always try my best to respect everyone and their opinions.)

Ninth Entry: 11/1/09 7:29:30PM
Ok, well I just typed about 200 words, and let’s be honest here. I really didn’t like what I had to say that time. I was trying to go on about how it’s good to be random and structured, but honestly; it sounded stupid. And me boring you is the last thing that I want to accomplish. By the way, I would like to thank you all for reading my blog and commenting on it. This just started out as a short term thing, but as of now; I am going to continue writing. One thing that did get me thinking today was the movies V for Vendetta. Granted, I was supposed to be taking history notes while I watched the movies, but it was worth procrastinating. First of all, If you have not seen that movie, then please watch it. It is amazing, and it gave me something to think about. I don’t want to ruin the movie, but it’s about the government controlling the people through fear. This really jump started my brain into a hurricane of thoughts. They’re all jumbled into my head, so I’ll do my best to get the basic ideas sorted out. As more and more laws are made on a state and federal level, I get worried for our future. Before I continue, I would like to clarify that I am not a Democrat or Republican. I am simply speaking from what I think is right. I am beginning to get more worried for our future. If we keep bending to laws and policies, then eventually we all be little mice trapped in a box. Even though Socrates and Plato are very old dudes, they really knew what they were talking about. If you just do everything that you are told to do with out justifying it, than you lose all humanity. God gave us freewill, even if you do not believe in God you believe that everyone has freewill. Laws are necessary to run a nation, but some things are ridiculous. One example I would like to touch upon is abortion. For me the solution is easy. If you think it’s wrong, then don’t do it. If you think it’s legal, then it’s your right to have an abortion. A lot of things that are “huge” debates are much more complicated than they need to be. The character V in the movie was right. It’s pointless to live, if we lived in an over controlled environment. I know that I’ve jumped around a lot, but thanks for bearing with me.
(note: I am taking suggestions from y’all on what you would like me to write about.)