Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twenty-Sixth Entry

Twenty-Sixth Entry: 12/31/09 6:32:01 PM
I started off this entry with a long introduction about what I think a resolution should be, but I think all that boring exposition should be deleted. In accordance with this, I just deleted that boring exposition. Basically, when people make New Years resolutions it is most likely a “physical” goal. An example of this could be “this New Years I resolve to eat less sweets.” To be honest that is a wimpy resolution, I think the true resolutions are “internal.” An internal resolution being something that helps to improve your character. Especially, for myself, my resolutions are all internal. I am no where close to being a complete human being. I have many faults, but I try my best. The reason why most people make “physical” resolutions is that they’re scared of who they really are. Now, what I just said might not be the best way to put it, but it’s the best way to put it without launching into an epic poem about the subject. Most people do not realize their faults and ignore them like they do not exist. This obviously does not help at all. If you make an internal resolution, that is half the battle. Just realizing that you as a human being have to improve is a great step. Most people are stuck degrading other people, so they do not have to focus on their own faults. Not realizing your own faults simply enlarges them.

No one is perfect and this is why we struggle on as people in this harsh life. Maybe, in another life, things will be easier, or perhaps worse. However, the important thing is to live in the present. Realize the mistakes you have made, but do not dwell on them. Realize the good things that you done, but do not inflate your ego. Realize where you would like to go, but do not lose tract of each day. These are the important things that we must all do to improve our selves as human beings. And that is the essence of life.

For certain reasons my mind has been occupied with the thoughts of Life and Death, and the best way for me to vanquish these unnecessary topics from my mind is to write about them. I wonder what I will remember from my life, when I die. Will I still be Sam Rouleau, or a different being with a different identity? Will I still look the same, or be a shapeless ameba? Will I even be able to remember these questions? The whole concept of Death is just so abstract that we can’t find answers for it. Part of me does not wish for me to die in my sleep. I want to remember my last moments in this world, in hope of preserving who I am in the next. A lot of people view Death as the end, but to not be scared of it one must view Death as a transition. It is not the end of us, on this planet and this life; yes, but not the end of our being. With the abstractness that Death has it also gives me a sense of curiosity. Just the whole concept of Death is hard to grasp. Our bodies will not be living, it is such a foreign thought that my mind cannot help, but be intrigued by this great mystery.

I’m on a roll, so I might as well keep going. Life is full of joy, and it is perhaps equally filled with pain. Do we bring pain onto ourselves? Possibly, maybe, who is fit to answer? The possibility has been brought to my mind that our emotional state is what can bring us physical problems. For most people it is impossible to link the emotional and physical. Once you are able to grasp your mind around the concept it is quite conceivable. How we deal daily with our emotions may contribute to our physical problems. As we gain age, the way we deal with our emotions has more impact on us physically, which could result in pain. It is hard for me to believe that the higher power, in my case God, enjoys putting us through pain.

I’ve touched briefly on a couple of subjects, and I am always willing to write about what my readers want me to write about, so if you have any suggestions you can always email me at I hope that 2010 is a great year for all of you.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Twenty-Fifth Entry

Twenty-Fifth Entry: 12/28/09 6:13:29 PM
What can Love do for us? In the end it will always ruin one of the two lovers, if not both. It gives us hope, it gives us happiness, but is it truly worth it? We may toil on for the rest of our lives not knowing Love. However, most of us will find what we think Love is. Few of us will actually find true Love with another human being. If you’re lucky enough to find it, then I give my best to you. Love is what brings us together, what separates us, and what brings new life into this world. We go on perfectly fine with out Love, we cannot miss anything that we never knew. However, in the end Love will cause suffering. Eventually, Death will find us and if we live while our lover dies then we would be living in hell. I cannot imagine what it is like to have everything ripped away from us. Our hopes, dreams, or desires gone forever. Love may last a long time, or it may never exist at all. I look at this and ask myself is Loving someone worth it? Is it worth it to give someone my heart, body, and soul, only for them to be crushed when it ends? I think so, if you can find someone worth Loving or worth believing in. No loss can be as great as that time with him or her was.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Twenty-Fourth Entry

Twenty-Fourth Entry: 12/25/09 8:40:53 PM
First of all, it’s Christmas, so I would like to say Merry Christmas. I hope you all had a good one. I hope everybody received cool gifts this season; I, myself, did. I am truly thankful that I am fortunate to be able to have the opportunities that I have. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on ranting through the next 100 words on how I am thankful for everything I am. I am thankful for what I have, and I do not see any sense in dragging that out. That is for other writers to write about, not me. However, I do plan to rant on the thing that I am the most thankful for. I am not the most thankful for family, food, or shelter. I am the most thankful for this gift called Free Will. I believe I am right when I assume that everyone reading this blog was born with Free Will. It’s Free Will, which allows me to write this blog. It’s Free Will, which allows me to speak my mind. It’s Free Will, which allows me to do what I love. It’s Free Will, which completes me as a human being. If I lacked what I am fortunate to have, I would still be thankful for having my Free Will. This Christmas I’m sure we all got pretty awesome gifts, but remember it’s what we take for granted that is usually the best gift. It’s things that we do not notice that make us whole. This Holiday Season I ask of you two things, I would like for you to do a random act of kindness. It can be smiling at somebody, or just holding the door. I’m not asking you to go join the Peace Corp. Also, take a moment, a quiet moment, to thank God for the things that you take for granted. Once again, have a wonderful Christmas, and you will hear from me again before the New Year.

It’s the things, which we don’t notice that are essential to our lives.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Twenty-Third Entry

Twenty-Third Entry: 12/21/09 1:22:30 PM
What shapes our personalities, our mannerisms, and our lives? That’s a pretty simple question, anyone with a half a brain would say the events and actions that we participate in every day life. However, which types of events contribute the most to our character. And now we’re back to the eternal conflict of Good v.s. Evil.

You have a good kid. She does well in school, and she seems incorruptible. But something happens; it could be one of his parents dying, or if he starts doing drugs, or drinking excessively. SHe’ll become ruined. Not caring about her future or anybody, Wallowing in grief, or always blaming other people for her faults. Evil will always find us, but it’s how we fight it back that shapes us as human beings. Evil tends to have a greater influence on an individual than Good. Once an individual is completely Evil no quantity can turn then back to being Good. When we get hit by something Evil, we have to rebound. You must keep going, because if you do not than everything is lost.

“Fall seven times, Rise eight. Life begins now.”

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Twenty-Second Entry

Twenty-Second Entry: 12/10/09 8:59:38 PM
Life and Death. Both are essential to each other. Most of us struggle with the idea of death. But is it not the same as Life? Life is a journey, which we all undertake each and every day. Is Death all that different? It is a journey in which we all partake. Life is unpredictable, as is Death. It happens unexpectedly to the best and to the worst people. Eventually Death will find you and me, so there is no sense in trying to hide from it. When Death finds me, I plan to face it with out panic and fear, and say “Time to find out what’s next.”

I’m almost intrigued by the mystery of Death. We hear all of these “near Death experience” stories, but how much of that is BS or truth is debatable. I do believe that there is some sort of higher being or power. I refuse to believe that we are all random beings who have evolved from Neanderthals. When we die, our bodies may rot in the Earth, but I am certain that our spirit separates from our body. There is too much that science cannot explain for there not to be something else.

Death brings tragedy and sadness. And focusing on Death will only bring it closer to you. It is best to focus on the present, because the more you think about Death the quicker it will find you. It comes and goes just like the tide ebbs and flows. The tide will always be constant, just as Death will always exist. Just as the water will always touch your feet and pull you in. Death will always grab hold of us and pull us in painfully and slow, or unknowingly and quickly. It’s coming for you and I, so why live in Fear? Life is here for us to live. Death is here for us to die, and after that? We can only wait to see.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Twenty-First Entry

Twenty-First Entry: 12/8/09 9:12:48 PM
What’s the best thing to do when the crap hits the fan? Well the best thing to do is keep going. No matter what, there’s no reason to stop. If you received disappointing news, or had a crappy day. Keep going, that is what life is for. There’s no reason to ever stop, there is never a reason to quit. There is never a reason to give up. There is always a reason to go on, even if it be to spite someone, or get back at them. People growing up nowadays, yes that includes me, are used to instant gratification. We are used to Google taking 1.8 seconds to give us 28,000 search results for the word “bear”. When you get knocked to the ground, will you stand up again, or continue to lie there? I will stand back up, until there is no possible way for me to. Not everybody has this thing called persistence, or some call it stubbornness. But when I get knocked down, guarantee I will stand up and come back towards you. When life hits me hard, I will catch my breath and keep going on. I cannot sit by and let chances pass. When my face is bloodied, and my legs are broken. I will do my best to keep going, otherwise I will get no reward, and what kind of life is that?